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Fact-checking policy

All of our content is of a cultural nature and is linked to the arts (plastic arts, music, visual arts, theater and dance) and popular culture.  All data from our video reports are recorded in person and the request for authorization to broadcast images, sound and speech is also recorded on video. For textual publications, the sources of research and data are mentioned. All photographs are made by the Magazine team or are in Creative Commons. When we use reposts, all data from where we repost is exposed. Everything in the clear.


Ethics Policy

We value transparency in all our posts and are based on five guiding pillars: loyalty, humanity, justice, decency, wisdom and sincerity.


correction policy

All requests for corrections are made within the time of viewing the order. After observing the veracity of the information, we remove it from the air or make the correction as requested.


Ownership and Financing

Revista Assum Preto is the social counterpart of the company Mzad Eventos e Locação de Equipamentos Ltda, registered under CNPJ 08.415.086/0001-25, located at Av. United States, 258 sala 809 Comércio – Salvador – Bahia  CEP 40010-020 owned by Journalist Cristiane Andrade de Oliveira, DRT 6126/BA CPF 580.146.595-20 chief editor and content producer for the magazine .


Editorial Team Information

Journalist Cristiane Andrade de Oliveira, DRT 6126/BA // International Journalist Card Card number BR 18236 // Chief Editor and Content Producer for the Magazine and freelancers.

A tradução é automática do Google. A interpretação correta só pode ser verificada na língua de origem, português.
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The suggested texts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Assum Preto. The texts and photographs can be used by third parties as long as they are requested and that the authorship is indicated. disclaimer to your site

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