The three Magi of Itapuã - photo Kithi
January 2020
Reis' ritual in Brazil is a tradition inherited from European colonization. Brought by the Portuguese at the end of the 16th century, it gained different characteristics and regional variants.
The nomenclature, the songs, the format, the garments and to refer is INSTANCE the Saints may vary.
Most of the time the revelry is linked only to the Three Wise Men is s, but it is not always so. In Bonfim de Feira in Bahia, "it is a celebration spont nea â as a religious practice in Umbanda houses in devotion to the twin saints Cosmas and Damian and holy guide", as can be seen in the study "Santos Reis Bonfim District Feira, Bahia: Origin, Tradition and Cultural Transformation ”.
The rite can be called kings, revelry of kings, ranch of kings, kings, suit of kings, ox of kings, holy kings ...
There are several ways of manifesting this tradition.
Some groups go from house to house singing, dancing, drinking, praying, eating and wishing blessings to the owners of the place, others make presentations at the church door; some use accordion, tambourine, guitar to accompany the singing, others clap and wind instruments; some wear uniforms, others walk in ordinary clothes; some wear masks, others paint their faces or wear nothing; some have defined colors, others do not. Some have staged the battle between the cords, others have no theatrical performance and no battle ...
Each is and everyone has the same goal: to celebrate the arrival of the Child Jesus through the visit of the three lish Kings: Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar who came to the manger guided by the Star of Bethlehem and they offered gifts with defined symbolic attributes: gold representing royalty, incense divinity and myrrh immortality.
Spermacete, Suit of Kings of Barra de Pojuca
In Itapuã, district of Salvador, Bahia, the celebration of the Festa de Reis takes place in front of the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Itapuã.
The presentation built by the community, but with the pro Ronilda in front, as it is affectionately called by all, is composed of children and adults who represent the chores and the diversity of the local culture.
There are gypsies, shepherds, washerwomen, Bahians, florists ...
Get to know a little of this party in the video beside.
The Folia de Reis day is also the day of dismantling the crib.
Imagine what it is like to dismantle a crib with more than 2000 pieces? This is the Ramos Family crib.
The crib was the only refer is Christmas INSTANCE until the Americans arrive with the Christmas tree, as in the account, the journalist Jorginho Ramos, who holds the annual tradition to assemble the crib.
In the video, get to know the Ramos Family crib that maintains the tradition of ancestors with a difference: the crib consists of several cribs offered by friends, relatives and acquaintances. The pieces from the four corners of the world remind us of the essence of the Brazilian people: mixed.