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Foto e arte Kithi

Content produced by Journalist: Kithi

Cristiane Andrade de Oliveira DRT 6126/BA

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Assum Preto Magazine is a digital magazine that was created in 2015 with the concept of "beauty revisited", Ilê Aiyê as inspiration and the words of Doné Hildelice from Ilê as direction. Thus, our intention is to propagate through journalistic production a concept of beauty revisited, where we are committed to valuing and publicizing the work of people who are firmly supported by traditions, ancestral knowledge and art - visual arts, music and crafts.


With the main objective of informing and disseminating traditional and ancestral cultures, Revista Assum Preto has created a collection of images of the memory of the people of Bahia over the past 9 years, with more than 30 terabytes, a small part of which is in the form of series, multimedia reports and content for social media. The stories we tell are based on the principle of enchantment, that is, the memory that springs from strong roots and brings joy to the lives of those who produce it.


In 2016, Assum Preto Magazine, still in its infancy, released its first multimedia report, “Os Exus de São Joaquim” in partnership with Leia Mais Bahia. In 2017, Kithi, the journalist responsible for the magazine, completed her journalism final project on two outreach activities at the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB): “Bordadeiras da Ilha” and “Cultura e Negritude” (Culture and Negritude), with participation in “Bembé do Mercado”. The research was transformed into two multimedia reports; in parallel and more strongly, two strong movements were born: creating content to feed the social network, mainly Instagram, which today has 88K followers, and the production of web series. It was at the invitation of Solange Borges to record the first “Culinária de Terreiro” that Kithi began to make documentary videos for traditional communities.


In 2019, the web series “Culinária de Terreiro” won the award for Best Diversity Series at Rio WebFest, an international festival that takes place in Rio de Janeiro every year. The series Assum na Estrada was subsequently nominated at Rio WebFest for Best Lifestyle Series, Best Documentary Series, One of the 10 best projects for 2 years, and won the award for Best Editing at the Hollywood Series Awards in Los Angeles, United States... check it out below.


Working practically alone, Kithi produces, writes scripts, directs, photographs, films, records audio, edits, does the publicity, sets up the website, meets the demands of social networks and everything else that is necessary. The Magazine is the enchantment that keeps Kithi alive and is produced in her free time at Mzad Eventos. All the actions and publicity of the Magazine, throughout its existence, have always been entirely free of charge.

Assum's blog

17 anos semfundo_2023_mzad.png

We, at Mzad Eventos, understand that culture is our greatest asset. It is what makes us different from other peoples. It is the center of a place's prosperity and wealth. To imagine a Bahia without samba-de-roda, without capoeira, without the baiana de acarajé, without toré, without Lagoa do Abaeté, without candomblé... is to imagine a Bahia without rhyme, without poetry. An empty Bahia.


It's like all the places we go through, become unique because of the differences.


Assum Preto Magazine is the way we found to re-visit the beauty of people and places and show diversity to the world. It is our commitment to the social: to make visible the ways of life and traditions of the people we meet along the way.

Our award-winning series

In 2021  "People's Memories" was among the 6 webseries selected to compete for the award for best documentary / vlog at the  Asia Web Awards 2021.

The Bahian webseries Memórias da Gente and Assum na Estrada were nominated at Rio Webfest 2020, to compete in the categories of Best Documentary Series and Best Lifestyle Series respectively.

The productions are directed by Kithi, who in 2019 brought to Bahia the award for Best Diversity Series with the webseries Culinária de Terreiro.

While Memórias da Gente narrates stories that take place in the context of popular culture, the ways of life and the festivities of the people and gives people the possibility to talk about what enchants their daily lives; Assum na Estrada presents the dialogue between the teenage daughter Sophia Oliveira and her mother Kithi, who tell the travel stories bringing up, directly or indirectly, several subjects: ways of life, flavors, art, the environment, philosophy, games, friends ...

cartaz da série Kriaumundo da revista Assum Preto
cartaz da serie assum na estrada da revista assum preto
Memorias da Gente é uma série da Revista Assum Preto, contrapartida social da Mzad Eventos,  que conta história de vida e tradições das pessoas que Kithi  encontra durante suas viagens. jpg
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Culinaria de terreiro com solange borges uma serie premiada da revista assum preto

Ilê Aiyê celebrates:
100 years of Agostinho Neto
Mother Hilda Centenary
30 Years of Band'Erê 

Nambikuara das Terras Indígenas do Sararé. Povo Nambikuara. Texto de viagem a terras indígenas do Vale do Guaporé


Part of the book "Research Notebook, Drawings and Photos"

Texts and drawings by Kithi /2002 /// Photos by Pedrinho

“O Samba” is the first episode of the series “Renascença Clube, a quilombo in the city”


A friend recommends Rena, a friend recommends Moacyr Luz. Kithi arrives at the Club with the intention of recording Samba do Trabalhador, but meets Márcia Renault and decides to go much further: experience Rena and learn more about the movements that take place around samba. In a relaxed way, this series is made of encounters, hugs, stories, memory, samba and life.


You will like. It's tradition. Is music. It's welcoming. It's love.

Kriaumundo - websérie -  Sal da Terra - Episódio 1

Kriaumundo - websérie - Sal da Terra - Episódio 1

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Premios que as séries da Revista Assum Preto ganharam pelo mundo.

Our first documentary, where we started to learn - 2014

Terreiro's Culinary Panel presented by Kithi at Rio WebFest 2019.

bordadeira da ilha reportagem da revista assum preto

Click on the image and access the report


of Brazil

És Tupi do Brasil - reportagem da revista assum preto

Reportagem sobre o artista Clécio Penedo..jpg

Modeling People: the art of Dalva Bonfim

Dalva bonfim ceramista - reportagem da revista assum preto
Ganhadeiras de Itapua - reportagem da revista assum preto



The trajectory of the Ganhadeiras de Itapuã tells the story of a people who value their own tradition. Viradoro's recognition and victory feeds the importance of the union between Rio and Bahia for the legacy of the African diaspora.


Carnival 2020



Carnival 2020



Obra de arte do pintor Mazzim Mazamba que ilustra a reportagem multimídia da Revista Assum Preto
Foto de Magali Moraes que inlustra a reportagem Mulheres Malês nas Margens do Rio de Kithi para a Revista Assum Preto


Photo by Magali Moraes



Discover the samba that was born in the cane fields of Recôncavo Baiano


Saint John!

Foto de Rui Rezende utilizada na reportagem multimídia Vaqueiros do raso da Catarina, feita por Kithi para a revista Assum preto .jpg

click on the photo to access the report

Foto de Kithi para ilustrar a reportagem multimídia Bembé do Mercado, Memória da Liberdade, feita por Kithi para a Revista Assum Preto . jpg

click on the photo to access the report


Assum Preto is a song composed by Luiz Gonzaga and Humberto Texeira, is a bird and is a brand new digital magazine! We're just getting started ...

We are a family owned and operated business.


Foto de Kithi, editora chefe da Revista Assum Preto e o Cristo Redentor no Rio de Janeiro


Edvaldo Passos Diretor Comercial e de Montagem  da Mzad Eventos e fotografo da Revista Assum Preto nas horas vagas

Edvaldo Passos

Foto de Sophia Saô, fotografa e apresentadora da série Assum na Estrada

Sophia Andrade

A foto de Antonio Gentil Arte finalista, designer de som, finalidaor  das séries da Revista Assum Preto.

Antonio Gentil

A tradução é automática do Google. A interpretação correta só pode ser verificada na língua de origem, português.
logo-assum 57KB.jpg


The suggested texts do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Assum Preto. The texts and photographs can be used by third parties as long as they are requested and that the authorship is indicated. disclaimer to your site

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